Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ascension Easter Eggs

This article is about easter eggs on Ascension. We are proud to announce that we at Zombies Info have been the first to find an easter egg.

1. There are 4 dolls all over the map that are dolls of the players, Dempsey, Takeo, etc. If you hold the X, or the corresponding button on other consoles, the character you are playing as will adress his thoughts about that character.

2. Bears holding sickles. There are teddy bears holding sickles, that when all activated, by holding the button earlier said, they will play the song Abracadavre. They can be found in the first room up the stairs, the room right next to the rocket, near speed cola. For that one look up. And finally in the room with the lunar lander with the "O" with the "I" stuck in it. Near Stamin Up. To find this one it is behind the gate if you go into prone you can find it better.

3. And the final easter egg for this post is our very own, DESTROY THE ROCKET EASTER EGG!!!!!! ARE YOU READY?????? YOU BETTER BE!!!!!

Shoot the rocket as it takes off.

Your welcome.

Only proven with the ray gun. Found any other guns that work? Tell us in the comments section below.

How to get to the PAP Machine on Ascension

To get to the PAP machine you need to call the lunar lander to each of the 3 locations that you can call it to, then use it at each. Once you use it, go to the top floor, where the mystery box is originally and there will be a button that you can press, launching the rocket on the map. Underneath the place where the rocket launched is the PAP room.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Trailer. What can we learn?

A new trailer from Call of Duty came out today portraying the new maps including ASCENSION!!! Here are some things you may not have caught from the trailer.

First off you can see in this image that the feature where the mystery box location is portrayed on TV's will return on Ascension.

The zombies also seem to be a lot more bloody and freaky looking.

We can also tell that quick revive will return.

From this picture we can see some kind of new weapon on the wall. It looks like a sickle and is clearer when watched in the trailer. You can also see that the rumor about the characters getting bloodier and more beat up each map is true.

A new transport, probably to the pack-a-punch machine.

In this photo you can see that there are the monkeys who steal perks, but you can also see the foregrip of an MP5K on the wall. Also in the next picture you can see a monkey stealing a perk. It is hard to see in the trailer and you have to have pause it at the right moment.

And in our final picture you can see some kind of symbol next to a TV. Also in the image is a claymore on the wall.

Some extra facts:
The name of this map's song may be called "Abracadavre", because on PC the Game Over music filename is "mus_gameover_abracadavre".

There is a rocket on the map, but it is unknown whether or not it will affect gameplay.

The map will require power as you can see a drawing of a lighting bolt on the door which leads to the power room.

It is possible that this map enables the players to climb ladders, as there are now more vertical areas such as the launch tower.

Game files suggest that Ascension was originally planned to be released on disc, but was later removed.

Said game files indicate players are able to launch the rocket featured in this map.

The map contains a centrifuge. Which is a giant arm that swings at high speeds to train astronauts for high G-Forces. It is possibly a trap.

This zombie map could well be the largest yet. From the "First Strike" trailer it is visible that there is a Rocket Platform and a centrifuge. The centrifuge is in a large circular room.

Edward Richtofen appears to have gained a cut on his face and changed his clothes.

The Centrifuge Room is possibly the spawn room due to the presence of a Quick Revive.

If one looks at the First Strike trailer at 0:47, there appears to be a chalk outline of a sickle on the wall. It appears to be on a control panel for the Rocket Platform.

It appears that some zombies will be wearing gas masks, and one could assume they were wearing it before "dying". This suggests that the virus is not airborne, as some people have suggested.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kino Der Toten Strategy: The Holdout Strategy

This strategy works with 3-4 players, but is more effective with 4.

You should start by following this path to turn on the power:

Once power is turned on go through this path to get to the "Holdout Room".

You cannot open the door between the holdout room and the theatre or this technique won't work. 2 people stay in the room and take a window each, one or two people (depending on how many people you have) should look down the stairs and shoot the zombies that come up.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Map Overview: Ascension

Ascension is the first map pack zombies for Call of Duty Black Ops. the map is placed in an abandoned cosmodrome (a rocket launching facility). There is a new enemy in the form of a monkey who steals perks from players by attacking the perk machines. As for the new weapons, Ascension features something called the Gersch Device, a ‘Black Hole Bomb’, and Matryoshka Dolls. There are also 2 new perks, these are the ‘PhD Flopper’ and the ‘Stamin-Up’ perks. The PhD Flopper takes away falling damage, and anytime you prone dive from a height it creates an explosion around you. It also reduces explosive damage to you. Stamin Up is lightweight and marathon perks from online combined.

Five Strategy: Elevator Strategy

This strategy is for 1-3 players. It will work with four, but it gets crowded.
In this strategy you should have all your weapons and perks already. You stay in the first elevator, the one from the first floor to the war room. It's the smaller one. Stay in the elevator looking out towards the first floor. Anytime the zombies overwhelm you push the elevator button to go down, and then push the button again to go back up and face the first floor hallway. Repeat for a success!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Five Strategy: Claymore Strategy

This strategy is for people on Five with 2 or more players.
After you turn on the power on Five, the person with the best guns should buy claymores, but as many people should as possible. They are on the bottom floor, and the path is displayed from elevator to power switch to claymores.

You will have to open a door costing 1250 to get them but it is worth it.
Link all the DEFCON levels and go through the teleporter. Zombies will not be able to enter the room for a while, until the DEFCON above the door reaches one. You need to set up your two claymores in the middle of the hallway, one behind the other.

For two players, the player with the strongest weapons should guard the entrance with the claymores, while the weaker player should guard the windows inside.
For three players, the strongest should guard the door while the other two take a window each.
For four players, split up two on windows, two on doorway.

You should leave one zombie alive at the end of each round, and leave the Pack-A-Punch room. The doors will close behind you after the last person leaves the room. You now have to re-flip all DEFCON switches. Now set all the DEFCON levels except one, and kill the zombie. As the new round starts, hit the last switch and go through the teleporter, but beware, more than one player going through a teleporter at a time (even different teleporters) will automatically down those players. You are now in the Pack-A-Punch room.
Repeat by putting down claymores.
NOTE: Claymores are replenished at the beginning of each round.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

General Tips/Strategies

Here are some tips for any map of zombies.

An extremely basic thing all zombie players need to know is how to make a crawler. Not: This will only work in later rounds. Any explosive can blow the legs off zombies, making them crawl extremely slow. Leaving one at the end of the round will give players time to do what they need without having to worry about being attacked. This can also be done with a ray gun in later rounds when it's not a one shot kill.

On round one the zombies will die in one knife, but you can shoot them multiple times before they die to get maximum points.

Letting some zombies in to the map in earlier rounds will let you get power ups and more points for rebuilding barriers.

In earlier rounds a bomb or carpenter power up will not give you as may points as if you did the thing youself. Example: Killing all the zombies will give you more points than activating a nuke, and rebuilding all the barriers will get you more points (in later rounds) then if you use the carpenter power up.

A nuke will end the round if there are only a few zombies left, so if you think it might be close to the end of the round don't use it so you can have time to get things like perks and the mystery box.

If a fire sale occurs in a later round don't be stupid and split up with your teamates to get the box. Splitting up will cause the zombies to most likely target one or two people, leaving everyone exposed and to fend for themselves. It is recommended those who need it most use the box while others protect it. Maybe taking turns.

On maps where you need to activate the power Go as fast as you can to the power. A common thing that stops players in the mystery box. If the mystery box spawns in a room before the power switch players will stay in that room and keep wasting their money on it. Most likely they will not leave until they have the ray gun or some other weapon and then they will die towards the later rounds because they don't have perks.

Stay moving. in larger maps if you stay in one room for too long you will easily be overwhelemed. Move so that zombies stay befind you, but not too far behind.

Reload before geting max ammo. Max ammo doesn't affect the ammo in you clip so reload to get the maxinmum possible ammo. Especially on LMGs as they have a large clip.

Don't underestimate claymores/bouncing bettys. They are extremely useful if you place them where you know a large horde will be chasing you, plus they replenish at the beginning of each round, and any unused claymores will be unaffected.

On "Five", don't go through any teleporter at the same time as someone else, because both of you will be downed. It doesn't matter if it is different teleporters, you will still die.

Stay up to date. Keep up with websites like this one so that you can find out the latest glitches and strategies.

Kino Der Toten Strategy: Teleporter Strategy

The teleporter strategy is a good strategy for any amount of players, but the optimal amount is 2 or 3 as this works better for communication.

At the start of the game each player takes a window or two depending on the amount of players. Do not buy any guns. Stay in the main room until each player has over 1000 points, and one player has 1750 points, and another has 2000 points. This should be before round 4.
The player with 1750 points should buy the first door, the upstairs one. The person with 2000 points buys the second door. You should be in the room with a staircase leading to the MP40. Each player needs to buy the MP40 and stay until you have enough points to open the next 2 doors, costing 1250 each.


Turn on the power and link the teleporter. You and your teamates should stay in the teleporter until you get overwhelemed, then go. Throw grenades from the Pack-A-Punch room to make crawlers and kill the zombies.

When teleported back from the room continually walk/run away from the horde coming after you, occasionally turning around to shoot. Make sure you teamates don't try and point hog and shoot all the zombies, as they will then spawn behind him and kill him, bringing the whole team down. It is also recommended in later rounds to activate traps behind you. Leave one zombie/crawler at the end so you can reactivate the teleporter and get things you need.

Map Overview: Dead Ops Arcade

Dead Ops Arcade is a top view shooter where the player uses the left stick to move and the right stick to shoot. It has rounds just like every other zombie map, but the scene changes every round. As you progress you can go to different locations entirely. The boss in this is the Cosmic Silverback, a gorilla that does not attack you, but is hard to kill.

Map Overview: Five

Five is the first zombie map since Shi No Numa not to feature the characters Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, and Richtofen. Instead it features John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Robert McNamara, and Richard Nixon.

It is the first map with elevators, and the first to have multiple teleporters that send the player randomly all over the map.

It also has its own boss, the Pentagon Thief. He steals weapons and runs away, but if killed you get your weapon back, max ammo and a fire sale.

This map tends to be known as a harder map for most players.

It is also features a DEFCON system. After the power is turned on you can activate switches, highering the DEFCON level until it is at DEFCON Five, turning all teleporters to teleport players to a room where the Pack-A-Punch machine is held.

It also features a new weapon, the Winter's Howl, that shoots ice, and the Death Machine drop.

First Floor

Second Floor (War Room)



Third Floor

Pack-A-Punch Room

Map Overview: Kino Der Toten (Theater of the Damned)

Kino Der Toten is the fifth zombies map, and the first map in Black Ops. It is set when the characters from Der Riese teleport forward in time to Germany. It is the second map to use the telepoter, although it works differently, teleporting players to a room out of reach of the zombies that also contains the Pack-A-Punch, and then to a random room which they can find film reels and occaisionaly power ups. It is the only map with a fire pit trap and sentry gun traps. It is also the first map with gas zombies, crawling zombies that explode into green NOVA 6 gas when killed. These zombies only spawn after the power is turned on however.

Map Overview: Der Riese (The Giant)

Der Riese is the fourth zombies map and the last in WAW. It is set in a secret Nazi facility. It is the first map to feature the Pack-A-Punch machine and teleporters. It also features monkey bombs, a bomb that zombies run to until it blows up. It is the second map to require players to turn on the power, and they have to link teleporters to the mainframe to unlock the pack-a-punch machine. It is the first map with the carpenter drop. It is known to have the most easter eggs in it, and the most rumors about it.

Map Overview: Shi No Numa (Swamp Of Death)

Shi No Numa is the third zombies map and takes place in a swamp. It is the only zombies map with Japanese zombies. It is the first map for the WunderWaffle DG-2, the zipline, and random perk-a-cola and mystery box spawns. No other map allows players to go outside without glitches. Players can go where the zombies spawn without hacking. It also has a unique trap known as the flogger, which is a spinning spike barrier.
This is the first map to feature the characters, Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki and Edward Richtofen.

Map Overview: Verrückt (Zombie Asylum)

Verrückt is the second zombie map and was released in the first DLC for WAW. It is also the first map to feature the power switch, perk-a-cola's, electrical barriers, and a musical easter egg. It is also the only map that has players spawn on opposite sides of the map, requiring them to reach the power switch to meet up. It is also the first map to have a mystery box that can change places.

First Floor:

Second Floor:

Map Overview: Nacht Der Untoten (Night of the Undead)

Nacht Der Untoten is the first zombie map ever made and is also the simplest. There are three rooms, two downstairs and one upstairs.

The Mystery Box spawns in the downstairs room that isn't the starting point. There are five windows in the beginning room, three in the mystery box room, and four upstairs. There is also a sniper box which gives the player a random sniper for 1500 points.

Power Up: Bonfire Sale

This power up is only available on the map "Five", and is obtainable by killing the Thief before he steals anybody's weapon. It cuts the price of the Pack-A-Punch machine from 5000 to 1000 and links all teleporters to the pack a punch room. This power up can cause havoc when players try to go to the machine at the same time, as when two people go through any teleporter at the same time they die.

Power Up: Fire Sale

Fire sale is a power up that spawns mystery boxes in all possible locations, and cuts the price from 950 to 10. This power up is a game killer, as normaly players will leave each other and go to seperate mystery boxes, leaving everyone to fend for themselves.

Power Up: Death Machine

Death machine is a power up that gives the player an unlimited ammo death machine for a certain amount of time. It is only available on the map "Five", and is colored, unlike other powerup icons.

Power Up: Carpenter

Carpenter is a power up that rebuilds all bariers everywhere on the map no matter the time in the round. It also awards each player with 200 points.

Power Up: Double Points

This is a power up that grants double the amount of points earned for anything that give you points. Example: Rebuilding barriers is 20 points each instead of 10.

Power Up: Insta-Kill

Insta-Kill is a power up the makes all bullets, knifes, grenade hits a guaranteed one hit kill. It is extremely useful for the time it lasts.

Power Ups: Nuke

Nuke is a power up the destroys all zombies currently on the map. It also grants all players 400 points.

Power Up: Max Ammo

Max Ammo is a power up dropped by zombies after death in call of duty. It replenishes all ammo for a player, except fot the ammo already in the clip. it is also dropped by the last dog in a dog round.

All Perk Jingles + the Pack-A-Punch Jingle

These are all the songs that play out of the machines.

Speed Cola

Double Tap Root Beer


Quick Revive


Perk: Double Tap Root Beer

Double Tap Root Beer: This perk is purchasable for 2000 points, and increases the rate of fire on guns, allowing you to kill zombies faster. It's risky however, as you can drain ammo faster.

Perks: Juggernog

Juggernog: This is purchased for 2500 points, and increases the amount of hits needed for a zombie to kill a player. It is generally considered to be the best perk and is bought as fast as possible.

Perks: Speed Cola

Speed Cola: Purchased for 3000 points this is a perk that enables the user to move faster and reload their guns faster.

Perks: Quick Revive

Quick revive: Purchased for 1500 points this perk increases the rate of revival of teamates. In Call of Duty: Black Ops however, in solo mode, the quick revive perk will already be turned on without the power, and will enable you to revive yourself. It can only be purchased three times however.


This is a general overview on how to play "Zombies", in any respective Call of Duty game.

The object of the game is to survive as long as possible.

How to play:
To survive you need to kill zombies before they kill you. Zombies is around based game, meaning zombies come in waves that you have to fight off to survive until the next round. Zombies also increase in strength, speed and numbers every round.

How to survive and kill:
In a normal zombies game each player starts with a M1911 pistol, grenades, and a knife. Grenades are replenished at the start of a new round, but ammo is not. By killing zombies you earn points, the harder the kill (i.e. a knife kill is harder than a gun kill) will earn you more points. Points can also be earned by repairing the barriers zombies come through. Each board thet you repair ears you 10 points, but there is a max amount you can earn by repairing per round (i.e. on the first round you can only earn 40 points from repairing barriers, although there is no limit as to how many barriers you can repair). Each player starts off with 500 points, and they can use points for purchasing guns, opening doors and buying the mystery box.

The mystery box:
The mystery box is a glowing box on every zombies map that can be purchased for 950 points. It gives the player a random weapon which they can take or leave. This box is crucial as it can give the player a powerful weapon, but it is a gamble, as you can get any weapon, from a pistol to a high powered ray gun.

Turning on the power:
The power is a component in some zombies maps, but not all. Generaly there is a switch o the other side of the map that if you get to turns on the power for things like perks and the teleporter.