Tuesday, January 18, 2011

General Tips/Strategies

Here are some tips for any map of zombies.

An extremely basic thing all zombie players need to know is how to make a crawler. Not: This will only work in later rounds. Any explosive can blow the legs off zombies, making them crawl extremely slow. Leaving one at the end of the round will give players time to do what they need without having to worry about being attacked. This can also be done with a ray gun in later rounds when it's not a one shot kill.

On round one the zombies will die in one knife, but you can shoot them multiple times before they die to get maximum points.

Letting some zombies in to the map in earlier rounds will let you get power ups and more points for rebuilding barriers.

In earlier rounds a bomb or carpenter power up will not give you as may points as if you did the thing youself. Example: Killing all the zombies will give you more points than activating a nuke, and rebuilding all the barriers will get you more points (in later rounds) then if you use the carpenter power up.

A nuke will end the round if there are only a few zombies left, so if you think it might be close to the end of the round don't use it so you can have time to get things like perks and the mystery box.

If a fire sale occurs in a later round don't be stupid and split up with your teamates to get the box. Splitting up will cause the zombies to most likely target one or two people, leaving everyone exposed and to fend for themselves. It is recommended those who need it most use the box while others protect it. Maybe taking turns.

On maps where you need to activate the power Go as fast as you can to the power. A common thing that stops players in the mystery box. If the mystery box spawns in a room before the power switch players will stay in that room and keep wasting their money on it. Most likely they will not leave until they have the ray gun or some other weapon and then they will die towards the later rounds because they don't have perks.

Stay moving. in larger maps if you stay in one room for too long you will easily be overwhelemed. Move so that zombies stay befind you, but not too far behind.

Reload before geting max ammo. Max ammo doesn't affect the ammo in you clip so reload to get the maxinmum possible ammo. Especially on LMGs as they have a large clip.

Don't underestimate claymores/bouncing bettys. They are extremely useful if you place them where you know a large horde will be chasing you, plus they replenish at the beginning of each round, and any unused claymores will be unaffected.

On "Five", don't go through any teleporter at the same time as someone else, because both of you will be downed. It doesn't matter if it is different teleporters, you will still die.

Stay up to date. Keep up with websites like this one so that you can find out the latest glitches and strategies.

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