Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Five Strategy: Claymore Strategy

This strategy is for people on Five with 2 or more players.
After you turn on the power on Five, the person with the best guns should buy claymores, but as many people should as possible. They are on the bottom floor, and the path is displayed from elevator to power switch to claymores.

You will have to open a door costing 1250 to get them but it is worth it.
Link all the DEFCON levels and go through the teleporter. Zombies will not be able to enter the room for a while, until the DEFCON above the door reaches one. You need to set up your two claymores in the middle of the hallway, one behind the other.

For two players, the player with the strongest weapons should guard the entrance with the claymores, while the weaker player should guard the windows inside.
For three players, the strongest should guard the door while the other two take a window each.
For four players, split up two on windows, two on doorway.

You should leave one zombie alive at the end of each round, and leave the Pack-A-Punch room. The doors will close behind you after the last person leaves the room. You now have to re-flip all DEFCON switches. Now set all the DEFCON levels except one, and kill the zombie. As the new round starts, hit the last switch and go through the teleporter, but beware, more than one player going through a teleporter at a time (even different teleporters) will automatically down those players. You are now in the Pack-A-Punch room.
Repeat by putting down claymores.
NOTE: Claymores are replenished at the beginning of each round.

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